Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Have You Ever Been Chosen?

Remember back to elementary school, standing along the sidelines, waiting for someone to choose you to be on their team?

Remember back to those middle school dances, waiting for someone to ask you, choose you, to dance?

Remember waiting for that letter from the college you chose, to in return, choose you?

If feels so nice to be chosen, doesn't it?

The days that followed the birth and death of my sweet Emmy and Vivi, I was so angry with God. I wanted, needed, someone to explain to me why it happened! I wanted to know what I did to deserve this! I wanted to know why God did it.

I shortly came to realize that God is not the source of Evil in this world. "Why" was because the fall of man. Okay, I can acknowledge that God didn't make it happen . . .

But He ALLOWED it! 

In the sun lit hours of the day, I waited for someone, anyone to wake me from the nightmare. I just could not believe this was my life. I couldn't wrap my head around any of it. The minutes ticked, one anguished minute after the next, the anguished minutes became hours, and then the sun lit hours gave way to the dark. To the night. A time to close eyes and sleep.

I waited, I longed for sleep but it betrayed me as well. I was hoping as long as I could sleep, I could wake up and realize that it all was a bad dream. I never woke from the nightmare. I woke to find that I was not having a nightmare but that I was living one.

And He allowed it!

He allowed it to happen to me. Why, I do not know.

If He allowed it to happen to me, does that mean He chose me?

Doesn't everyone want to be chosen for something, by someone?

There is something especially sweet knowing that you were picked over others. You were looked at, acknowledged and deemed appropriate, important. Your existence was validated.

Does the Lord choose for those same reasons or for others that are not of this world?

The Lord one day, after Satan came to Him, pointed out Job, bragging about Him (Job 1:8). 

Satan had not requested anyone so why did God turn a spotlight on Job? Why did God choose Job to endure such suffering? Job endured so. much. heartache! More than I hope I will ever have to endure in my life.

Job did not turn from God even when his wife encouraged him to ". . . curse God and die" 
(Job 2:9).

I'm sure he felt betrayed by his wife and friends. I wonder if he felt betrayed by God as well though he did not betray Him.

Did God choose Job to prove a point to Satan? Did God choose Job so we, today, would have a role model to imitate when we suffer? Or did God choose Job because His Glory would reap?

We know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Have you been chosen? Have you offered yourself to be handpicked by The One Who Loves?

Does it really matter what we are chosen for? Does the "what" matter as much as "The Who"?

A friend and I were talking the other day and she stated this to me, "I want my trials to be a reflection of His glory."

Lord, let my lips never stop praising. Let me, in the midst of this trial, still cling to the hope of You. Let my trial be a declaration of Who You Are.


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