Friday, January 20, 2012

Meet Me Here

When your soul peers into the drops of love spilled, your heart searches and reflects.

The actions, the love poured over, that preceded "It is finished" is the love consumed.

He meets us where we are. 

In the arms lifted in praise. The creases of a smile. With friends. Alone. Head hanging in sorrow. Cheeks soaked with grief. He meets us right where we are. Always.

He met his disciples right where they were, gathered them, and continued walking. He does the same for us. He walks with us, not on the path we chose to journey, but the path of His choosing.

Regardless, He is always there. Always here. Never two steps behind or three steps ahead but right by our side. Right where we need Him.

He journeyed alone before hanging on the cross that was perched between two men who were not worthy. He journeyed crowded streets being mocked at and ridiculed, but still alone.

I could have been among those that crowded the streets. I have been one of those who have ridiculed and mocked the Savior.

But still, completely unworthy, I have never been left alone. He is always there. Always here. Right by my side. Holding me. Sometimes carrying me.

All the while, completely unworthy.

But wholly grateful.

When The Love that was broken is consumed in order to show and grow from the inside out, to be a reflection of the All Mighty Love, consumed in order to consume me, I hope to meet Him there . . .

. . . at the cross. Where He was left to die, alone, to be eternally with us.

I hope to meet Him there. Where He was. Where He chose to be, for me . . . for you.

I hope to meet Him there when I consume drops of love. To bow on blood soaked and tear stained earth before the cross, where Love at first sight was demonstrated and lived.

And in death, made whole.


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