Monday, January 23, 2012

Chosen You

Still Would Have Chosen You
By Terri Banish

If before you were born, I could have gone to heaven and saw all the beautiful souls
I still would have chosen you
If God had told me, "This soul would one day need extra care and needs"
I still would have chosen you
If He would have told me, "This soul may make your heart bleed"
I still would have chosen you
If He had told me, "This soul would make you question the depth of your faith"
I still would have chosen you
If He had told me, "This soul would make tears flow from your eyes that could fill a river"
I still would have chosen you
If He had told me, "This soul may one day make you witness overbearing suffering"
I still would have chosen you
If He had told me, "All that you know to be normal would drastically change"
I still would have chosen you
Of course, even though I would have chosen you, I know it was God who chose me for you


  1. I found your blog on faces of loss, faces of hope. I was especially drawn to it because I have twin brothers. Your girls names are beautiful! My daughter, Lily was stillborn at fullterm on March 16, 2010. Her middle name is Katherine, just spelled with a K. This poem is absolutely beautiful! I'm going to share it with my infant loss support group. I'd love to have you follow along on my blog as well:

    1. Thanks for hopping over here! I thought the poem was very beautiful. The first time I read it, I cried and cried. I am so sorry for your loss. The whole thing just sucks, doesn't it?



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